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Corporations Law

Most businesses in Australia are conducted through companies. Considerable resources, including time and money, are spent in establishing and operating a company. 


The law governing companies and the conduct of directors and shareholders is extensive and complex. 


Directors of companies have obligations under the corporations law which, if breached, can lead to civil liabilities, penalties, criminal convictions and/or disqualifications. Directors needs to understand the duties that they owe to the company and shareholders


Shareholders of companies can also fall into disputes for a myriad of reasons.  Shareholders need to understand the rights and options available to them when faced with undesirable circumstances. 


It is important that you and your company complies with the relevant legislation, that your risk is minimised and that business runs smoothly. Otherwise, a failure to do so can lead to you and your company having regulatory, solvency and operational issues. 


Whether you are a company, a director or a shareholder, we can assist you. 


What we can do for you:-


  1. Establish companies for you.

  2. Advise you in relation to issuing, transferring, buying-back and cancelling shares.

  3. Advise on and prepare company constitutions.

  4. Advise on and prepare shareholder agreements.

  5. Act for you in shareholder disputes.

  6. Advise you in relation to your duties as a director and act for you in relation to breaches of those duties, including advising on liability.

  7. Advise you in relation to obtaining access to a company’s books and records.

  8. Advise you and act for you in relation to any reviews, investigations and prosecutions by ASIC.

  9. Provide secretarial services to your company, including managing meetings, officeholder appointments and resignations, and lodging relevant notices with ASIC.

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